Hi everyone! I know it's been a few days since the last update and I'll tell ya a little bit about what has been going on!
Friday I got on a plane nice and early to go visit my fiance. He had told me for at least several days that because he was still up at college (and about to graduate!), his mom was going to pick me up at the airport and later that day his mom, dad, and me would drive over to college to see him together Imagine my surprise--I get off the plane and begin to text my mom what the itinerary for the day was as she was asking. I had just texted saying his mom was going to pick me up when all the sudden I left the security area and there HE WAS waiting for me! My fiance said I had a look of shock then happiness when I saw that they had plotted a nice surprise for me. And surprised I was! All four of us went up to his college later in the evening together then.
Saturday was his graduation and it was such a happy and proud moment to see him go up and get his diploma! Four years and now he is done! I tried snapping pictures but unfortunately my camera was slow and so I don't have a great one of him receiving the diploma itself. As you can see from the picture, he has a golden sash because he received High Honors: Magna Cum Laude! He is now (though he always was to me) an official Meteorologist! He has had a website for years you can check out if you wish: www.grotonweather.com.
My Fiance, Drew and me at his graduation! |

I think that is all for now--again if there is something you would like to see here on this blog, PLEASE don't hesitate to give me ideas, critique or suggestions! I read and appreciate all of them! God bless you all :)
Congrats to your fiance!! Major accomplishment! good luck on your job hunting!
Thanks so much Brenda! :)