Hi everyone! As I mentioned in my last post a lot has been happening around here so I thought I'd share a bit of the goings on! :) NOTE: This post was drafted almost 2 weeks ago but I had some issues with the images so here it is now!
A couple weeks ago my MIL, Mr. Fox, Little Fox and I went off to visit with Mr. Fox's great aunt. She is in the nursing home. We had a grand little time and Aunt Susie loved visiting with everyone and Little Fox! We also stopped at
Lilac Farm and Mr. Fox is now doing a daily forecast for them! They had a cute little prim shop and my MIL and I were excitedly talking about the day when in some future time we hope to open up a little shop too!
My MIL also found one of Mr. Fox's jackets he wore as a baby and Little Fox now wears it! It's so cute on him! Here is Grandmummy with Little Fox. :)
On our way back from church the other weekend ago I had Mr. Fox stop at a house that had a lot of stuff out front labeled "FREE". If you know me, I love a good free item hehe. I found this nice piece of furniture that was a bit beat up and am working on refurbishing it. It's a sturdy piece but was a dark burgundy and scratched up and the edge of a corner was broke off somewhat and beat up. We have an amazing dollar store out here and I got a rustoleum Antiquing Black kit last year sometime for only a dollar! I'm working on painting it black and will antique it and plan to paint a chicken on the front and maybe a cow on one side and maybe a pig on the other. We'll see what happens. So far I haven't had time because my spare time when it's nice I end up spending outside!

You see, SPRING has finally SPRUNG here! Flowers are starting to bloom, the grass is green and has even had to be mowed once already and pollen is in the air! (Yes I've been sneezing a lot lately). But I won't complain. It's been a lovely last several days. I've been able to break out the shorts even for Little Fox and we've been outside starting to hoe the veggie garden, weeding, and drinking in the sun and warmth. I was thinking today while sitting outside eating lunch that with all the colors, sights, warmth and feeling close to God it could almost be heaven if it didn't include the allergies and biting bugs! My legs have become a kabob to the swarms of biter bugs out here.
I started working on freshening up some paint on a few scattered picket fence pieces today as well!
Last week was my MIL's dad's birthday and we went up to go see Poppop and Nana to celebrate. Little Fox gave him a birthday balloon! Little Fox's "Fake Uncle Jake" (Mr. Fox's cousin) also dropped by and I took a picture with the two of them.
Friday I was going to go to the store and a quick run at a barn sale not expecting much. In the end though we found not one but two Prince Albert tobacco tins! Mr. Fox decided to come with me and it wasn't just a quick run-- instead we made a date of going to town to shop and also eat Chinese and play mini golf. It was a great time! There was an older couple golfing too and I told Mr Fox that that will be us in 40 years haha!
Saturday was garage sale day with Mr. Fox and my MIL and of course Little Fox! Though it ended up being less exciting than I imagined in my head (it was a town-wide one) I did find a great steal! It was a wonderful northwoodsy crib set that I got for only $10! That was my favorite deal of the day. Here's Little Fox hanging out with the animals this morning as I folded laundry.
Sunday was also exciting--my sweet little Niece Allison got Baptized! It was a wonderful day for a Baptism and here is a picture! She and Little Fox are growing so so fast!
I think this is a long enough post for the evening so until next time, have a Merry MAY!