Saturday, October 6, 2012

Busy day more coming Monday!

Whew it's been a busy day today!  So much so that my original plan to make a FULL post today will have to be moved to Monday!  I'll give  a very brief rundown for the now though:  our kitties both have names now!   I'll tell you Monday what they are!  They are doing super well and now come all around the house and aren't too afraid of our dog (usually they just ignore him) and their personalities have begun to shine through more too!  Our girl is playful and inquisitive and I often wake up with her laying on top of my now bigger stomach purring like crazy!  Our boy is a bit more shy and nervous but very lovey--he loves being petted and I've found he'll kind of reach up for my hands with his paws when he wants pets!  So far it appears all our animals get along well but I'm keeping Pipkin the bunny away from the kitties for the most part.  I want to introduce them slowly though so they realize Pipkin isn't a walking lunch if he does get time to run around!

I just joined my Mother-in-Law's swap and am having a blast with it so far!  Right now I'm working on something special that is my own pattern and idea! I'd show you an in-progress picture if I could but that will have to wait till my partner, Kendra from The Stone House Primitives gets it first!

I'm hoping to start sketching a design for little Fox's blanket this weekend--if I do I'll post a little sketch pic on Monday!  I'm pretty excited to do this with my MIL--it will be a fun project together I am hoping :)  I want to make a nice bumper for his crib too!  Yesterday I also got a backpack-style carrier for little Fox too from someone on Craigslist brand new!  It was a nice midnight colored organic cotton Ergo carrier that they had gotten new at their baby shower (but already had a few) and so they sold it to me for $70! It's still a lot but usually brand new it costs somewhere between $118-$140 for one of those so it was a good deal.  It was an investment because I'm learning the advantages of baby wearing and it's something my husband thinks he may be willing to wear so we can go hiking with little Fox, etc and I don't really think he really saw himself wearing the wrap I had gotten from someone!  It also will fit little Fox till he's about 45 pounds and I hear they last so seemed like a useful thing to have and I wouldn't have had the heart to ask anyone to get me something so pricy like that!

We also went to the local Pumpkin fest today (my husband, MIL and me) and it was cold but fun.  Had some hot cider and a cinnamon doughnut!

That's all for now but I hope to do a bigger update with some photos Monday!  Have a blessed weekend!


  1. Oh come on Maria, you can show the swap stuff...I promise I won't peek ;)

    Have fun, I am!


    1. Hehe I will wait Kendra! It's more fun to see in person! :) I'm having a blast!
