I just wanted to take a few moments and show your some swap goodies made by Kendra over at
The Stone House Primitives! She was my swap partner in my MIL's Thankful Friends swap. I have to say when I got the package I squealed with delight! It felt like Christmas! Kendra made everything so personal--I absolutely loved EVERYTHING! She sent a birch-tree frame (we love northwoods stuff!) a cute moose ornie, she needlefelted our baby his FIRST ornie ever too! She also sent some homemade Woof Snax for Strider, some cute pet tea towels, a yummy smelling candle with an awesome wool wrap-around for it, an ADORABLE angel kitty, a needle felted Strider dog (not pictured and I'll explain why later) and something I've wanted for a long time but never expected something so personally-done--a penny rug but this one has Golden Retrievers around it! Looks like my dog! Ah thank you Kendra!
All of her wonderful goodies! |
Two of my favorite things--Kendra did a stichery candle cover of one of my favorite Lord of the Rings quotes! I've also wanted a penny rug for ever so long and she did one of my golden retriever Strider! LOVE!! |
Kendra was so thoughtful--she made our baby his FIRST Christmas Ornament! |
I love this--we have a black cat so it's' so fitting. |

So you might be wondering why I wasn't able to yet picture my awesome needle-felted Strider. The culprit (or rather accused as we know it was her) above is the reason why. When we weren't home Tinuviel our kitty decided to try to practice voo-doo on our poor dog. She grabbed my Strider off the counter and did a bit of claw and teeth work. I was so mad! I fixed the issue then put him on a higher, thinner decorative shelf for protection. Then my husband and I went to visit my brother-in-law and his wife for the day. When we came back, Tinuviel had Strider in her mouth AGAIN and scaled the shelf for him! This time he was worse for the wear (though fixable) but I just haven't had a chance to fix him yet. She's managed to find his wooly body no matter wherever I hide it so once it's fixed, this doggie is going behind glass. That second time I ended up literally bawling because more than anything I think it's hormones on a high. It's the third trimester (5 more weeks to go!) and what I wasn't aware of was it's apparently common to feel terribly emotionally off-kilter near the end. My midwife's suggestion to help with my anxiety/depression? Lots and lots of Chamomile Tea!
Thank you again Kendra for all of your sweet kindness and for being my swap partner! I so enjoyed making things for you and LOVE what you sent!
I have lots more news to share including about my SURPRISE (and man was I surprised!) baby shower, and some projects (like the unfinished crib bumper shown above) but that will have to wait for another day. I hope to write more soon! Just don't expect it TOO soon--with 5 more weeks to go and a million things to do, I'm not sure what to do with myself sometimes!